Useful Stuff
Useful Resources
Administrative Resources and Group's Accounts [restricted access]
Courses and TA forms and resources [restricted access]
End-Of-The-Month Reflection Form
COoKIE Group Resources
Datasets: Conversational (human-agent, human-human); Bias; Voice Chart Creation; GenAI Prompting; Other Datasets
Qualitative Research Readings
Literature Review Resources
Repository of Lab Meetings Presentations [restricted access]
Overleaf Tips and Tricks​​
Examples of Ethics Applications [restricted access]
Research Skills Workshops
Research Skills Workshops - Slide Decks [restricted access]
EDI Training and Workshops [restricted access]
Linguistic Dictionary Workshop with Sharon Ferguson, October 2023
LLMs Workshop with Nazar Ponochevnyi, July 2023
[Video Part 1] [Video Part 2] [Materials]
Literature Review Workshop with Christina Wei, June 2023
HCI Publishing Venues Workshop with Anastasia Kuzminykh, May 2023
Qualitative Coding Workshop with the COoKIE Group, February 2023
Research Ethics Workshop with Michael Laurentius, July 2022
Self-Paced Workshops on Research Tools
Faculty Books
Koji Yatani's Statistical Methods for HCI Course Wiki
ANOVA brief explanation and the GoStats tool by S. MacKenzie
Interaction Design Foundation resources​​
Intolerance Of Uncertainty Scale – Buhr, K., & Dugas, M. K. (2002). The intolerance of uncertainty scale: Psychometric properties of the English version. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 931-945.​
The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI-II) is a self-report instrument assessing individual differences in the recognition, pursuit, and integration of novel and challenging experiences and information. ​
System Usability Scale (SUS) | Developed by John Brooke, uses 10 Likert-type statements with responses based on a 5-point scale; and Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) | Developed by James Lewis at IBM, uses 19 questions on a 7-point scale.
Standardized Questionnaires for Voice Interaction Design (James R. Lewis)
The Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) - a non-verbal pictorial assessment technique that directly measures the pleasure, arousal, and dominance associated with a person's affective reaction to stimuli.
The VARK Questionnaire - helps to identify preferred learning modalities - Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that are used for learning information.
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue-SF)
The adult hope scale (AHS) measures Snyder's cognitive model of hope
Current Thoughts Scale (Heatherton & Polivy, 1991) - A measure of state self-esteem
The Project Ownership survey (POS) | D. Hanauer and E. Dolan
Some Relevaant Tools